Liaison EMP How To: Maximizing Your Workflow in EMP
Date & Time
Monday, June 10, 2024, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Jennifer Raab

This product training session will demonstrate how to optimize Liaison Enrollment Marketing Platform (EMP) workflows, including the effective use of Labels, To-Do's, Triggered To-Do's, and Goal setting to establish a streamlined process characterized by organization, consistency, and transparency. Tailored for EMP users looking to enhance efficiency and organization, team managers overseeing EMP operations, and anyone in need of creating a visual dashboard, the session will improve the way users engage with the EMP platform, making it an indispensable part of their daily routine.

  • Attend this session to acquire practical skills for refining your workflow within EMP. 
  • Expect to gain knowledge on implementing systematic processes that promote transparency and consistency across your team's activities. 
  • Discover how to utilize EMP's features to their full potential, enabling you to create a more efficient, organized, and visually guided working environment. 
Location Name
Magic Kingdom 1
Full Address
Disneyland Hotel
1150 Magic Way
Anaheim, CA 92802
United States