Important Dates for Speakers

November 17, 2024

Proposal submissions due.

January 9, 2025

Proposal decisions sent.

June 17-18, 2025

Speakers take the stage in San Antonio.

Why Step into the Spotlight?

Empower Participants

Help industry peers adapt to the evolving landscape of higher education.

Showcase Insights

Share your unique insights and actionable strategies to inspire others.

Make Connections

Collaborate with peers who are as passionate as you about shaping the success of future generations.

Tracks and Topics

We welcome speakers from all areas and experience levels to help inspire meaningful conversations and provide attendees with actionable insights. 

You're invited to submit proposals on key topics in higher education enrollment management, including: 

 ★   AI & Technology | Share your insights on how AI and emerging technologies are shaping the future of education.

 ★   Enrollment & Admissions Strategies | Present innovative approaches to boost enrollment efforts and improve admissions processes.

 ★   Data Analytics & CRM | Demonstrate how to leverage data and CRM tools to drive smarter decisions and engage students more effectively.

 ★   Marketing & Communication | Showcase proven marketing strategies to revolutionize student engagement.

 ★   Product Training | Lead hands-on training with Liaison’s solutions and latest features.

 ★   Thought Leadership | Offer your forward-thinking perspectives on where higher education is headed and how technology can help you stay ahead.

Submission Checklist

 As you prepare to submit your proposal, here’s what you’ll need to share with us:

✔︎  Session Title

✔︎  Session Description

✔︎  Speaker Headshot and Bio

✔︎  Intended Audience

✔︎  Attendee Takeaways

Wondering What to Submit?

Real Stories

Inspire others by sharing how your institution has successfully navigated challenges or achieved big wins using Liaison’s solutions.

Actionable Strategies

Empower attendees with best practices and practical tools to optimize admissions, enrollment, marketing, and student success for positive community impact. 

Unique Perspectives

Bring your distinctive voice and diverse experiences to the conversation, showcasing what makes you—and your institution—stand out.